That's ME, looking extremely cheesy with a smile that didn't wear off all day long- that was before even entering the venue! lol.
Walking into the IMATS I felt overwhelmed, I wanted to run in so many different directions, Sugarpill, Lime Crime, Inglot, OCC, my head was spinning with excitement- to actually see these products in person with their beautiful packaging and bright pigmented shades, OMG I wanted it all!
The booth line for Sugarpill was CRAZY long, it didn't matter because we were at IMATS! getting discounts and opportunities to see things we only see on TV.
Glenda (Sexy Hair PR) and I had a blast, we spent most of our time saying "omg, I follow her!"
Special FX is what stood out to me the most, Face Off contestants from last season and this season were there also. The pic to the left is of last seasons contestant air brushing.
School's like M.U.D & MakeUp ForEver Academy were there show casing students work- which only makes me want to go to M.U.D even more =( but hey, who says I need school to learn, hopefully Face Off encourages people to post things on youtube, hint hint...